When I’m not snuggling with my cats in bed, coffee in hand
Watching the sunrise with my partner
Scrunching my toes in the sand of the nearest beach or
Watering my houseplants (I have more plants than furniture)
Steph Williams
Hi! I'm

But just a few years ago, those quiet moments with my cats, coffee, snuggles and sunrises felt like guilty pleasures.
Taking a walk outside, with my head down answering texts
Worrying about work while having lunch with my friend
Feeling too tired and overwhelmed to think past my To Do list
Numbing through consuming - shopping, drinking, eating, scrolling…
I guide over-scheduled and overwhelmed Millennial Women to make more space for themselves and what they truly want.
Because even when I was trying to care of myself, what I was really doing was…

If your life is anything like mine was, even on a peaceful Sunday morning, you’re not able to be truly present to enjoy your coffee.
And that tiny bit of peace you could have - you feel guilty for taking it.
Because there’s so much more to be done, so many people who want you to solve their problems and fill their cups with your bright can-do energy - when your cup is quickly running dry.
High-functioners like us can run on empty with a smile for a really long time...before we break.
But we do break.
It might look like losing focus, or losing patience.
It might look like feeling sick or tired (or sick and tired).
It might look like a loss of self.
If you find yourself dreaming of a simpler life – I believe that’s your spirit whispering to get your attention.
That was me not long ago too. Always busy, rarely present, and intensely stressed.

If you’re here,
I bet you’d like to
Re-evaluate your relationship with the ‘’Shoulds’’ and...

Feel free to dance to the beat of your own drum, without apology.


Make a few changes to turn chaotic burnout into simple living.
This is what I do now.
This is how I live now.
And now, the work I give my heart and soul to is helping other women to clear physical and mental space to recover what matters to them.
Create small pockets of space to make room for what you really want.
© 2024 by Stephanie Williams
Branding & Website by Sophie Co.
I would like to take a moment to pay my respects and acknowledge the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which we are all based. I thank the elders, past and present, for helping us to shape our views of the world.
I also want to show respect to the land, its minerals, and waterways. It is their existence that has allowed us to come together in this virtual space and connect today. I hope that I can use this connection to nature in a meaningful and purposeful way during our time together.