a 30 minute session
to breathe, and feel, and be
Pause for a moment.....
And ask yourself
When was the last time you simply existed without worrying, doing, striving and rushing?
When was the last time you allowed yourself to rest and just be?
If you find yourself here, then the answer is probably too long ago.
So, I am going to ask you to do something radical.
I am going to ask you to gift yourself 30 minutes - a small pocket of time and space to relax with me, as we explore what is depleting your energy, unravel the reasons behind your perpetual busyness and gently open the door to the possibility of a slower, simpler life.

release your guilt, shoulds and stories

It's time to just be....
This is what we actually do together - it's a reflective coaching session
The first part of our session is dedicated to unravelling the struggles that have led you here today, and the second half is a reflective experience where we will imagine a scenario together, and then we will talk about a plan forward and how I could possible help with that.
There's no pressure to work together, no hard sell, and my gaol is for you to leave this session feeling calmer and more centered.
Does that sound ok to you?

*Pause sessions are only available during special periods throughout the year.